Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Taking a Break.

I'm sure my 9 followers are wondering what happened. Ha!

We're just busy with life.

Having Fun.
Planning a 1st birthday party.
Planning 2 bachelorette weekends.
Planning a Bridal Tea.

Yeah life has got me busy. So I will be back soon. With lots of pictures. I promise.


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

This isn't where I parked....

are the words that just came out of my husband's mouth as he landed in the floor. Needless to say, there was a bit of rough-housing going on between the biggest boy in my house and the bigger boy in my house.

Look at this goodness!
 I'm sure you are asking yourself what this is & let me tell you...delish!!! You MUST try this Cajun Chicken Pasta  recipe! You can find it here. It was UH-MAZE-ING! Why I didn't discover The Pioneer Woman sooner, I do not know! I can't wait to try another one of her recipes!!

I made this for Jimmy's Father's Day Dinner! It is one of his favorite dishes! I wish I would have made him a cheesecake but I didn't have time!!! Maybe I will make one this weekend!

 I am SO happy with how this baby quilt turned out. It was a gift for a new cousin that is due next month. I can't wait to meet Mr. Cooper James!! The picture below is a close-up and it is Oh So Adorable!!! There was a matching set of burp cloths too but I forgot to take a picture.
 So we are moving in the next few weeks and I will sure miss this barn. I love the way it looks after it rains. I love the country feel. I love seeing the cows up around it. I love how it looks when there is a storm cloud above it. The only thing I don't love about it is when the lights are left on at night. It looks like something straight out of a horror movie!

I leave you with this cuteness.......
It's hard to believe that he will be 1 next month!


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Oh Wednesday!

i think sleep deprivation has set it.
i'm not loving that.
baby is teething & the last 2 days have been rough.

today was a great day for a nap.
dark skies, heavy rain, perfect nap setting.
but it didn't happen for me.
baby was not having it.
big boy slept 4 hours.

i am loving the rain. we needed it.
i am loving last night's GBG meeting. i love those girls so much.
i am loving that Sunday is Father's Day.
i am loving Modern Family. i do not know why we didn't discover it sooner.
i am loving that most of my crafting is in one room. soon i will have it all in the same room.
i am loving my girlfriends. without them i would be lost.
i am loving my sister who is getting married 4 months from today.
i am loving that we will be eating steaks all summer and we didn't pay a fortune for them.
i am loving coupons.
i am loving my boys. all 3 of them. they make my life complete.
i am loving life.

now i need some sleep. even though the baby is still crying.
we are working on the "cry it out method"
it is not working.
poor big boy has to hear baby cry at night.
hopefully it will be over soon.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

From "Mommy" to "Mom"

 That's Who I have become.
Well at least to this 5 year old boy.
It has been a very sad realization.
That I no longer hear "Mommy."
I hear "Mom."
Where did the last 5 years go?
I always knew this day was coming.
I just didn't think it would be so soon.

I'm his favorite.
The one that tucks him in.
Kisses his boo-boos away.
Fixes his meals.
Changed countless diapers.
Snuggled for hours on end.
Rocked him to bed every night.
Holder of his bottle.
Lego builder.
Jungle Gym.
He's my baby bear!
I can't believe I no longer shop in the toddler section.
He's a big boy now.
But I have memories.
Memories that I will never forget.
He made me a Mommy.
My first baby boy.
There is no greater love than a Mommy and Son.
I love that he's a "Mommy's Boy."
He will forever have a big chunk of my heart.
I will always be there to tell him "It's ok."
I'm the only girl he needs right now.
I enjoy every one of his kisses.
But believe me, the first girl that stomps on his heart, will get a piece of Mommy Wrath.

And I know that one day I will hear "Mommy" again.
We just have to get "Ma Ma" down first.
Because I will feel the same way when this little Monkey no longer calls me "Mommy."

Cameron & Neyland,
I love you
a bushel and a peck
a hug around the neck
& more than anything else
in the whole wide world.
Love, Mommy

Enjoy every moment, every snuggle, every kiss. Trust me.


Wednesday, June 8, 2011


 Happy Wednesday!! Hope you have had a lovely day!!!!

Here are a few things that I am loving today!!!

 I am loving this cute little blanket. It is in my shop.
 I am loving this cute little baseball player. He is just adorable.
 Hi Mom!!! Neyland didn't want anything to do with his Aunt Morgan at the game. He just neede some Mommy Love! I love that little face!
 I'm loving coupons & Publix...even though they did change their coupon policy!! I've gotten some great deals this week! This is a picture from our trip Monday! I went today but was too tired to take a picture! This 90+ degree weather is killing me.
 I'm loving this Dr. Seuss fabric! I got this at Textile Fabrics. They are having their 50% off sale now so I stocked up! I made Cameron a quilt and will post pictures soon! I need to get it quilted! It is soooooo cute.
I love this picture! All the little guys slapping hands and saying good game!

I'm loving that tomorrow is Girls' Night @ Los!
I'm loving that it is pool weather and mom's pool water is so warm!
I'm loving that the weekend is near and I'm hoping to drag the hubs out for a date.
I'm loving that next Sunday is Father's Day! (I need to work on a gift....any suggestions?)
I'm loving Bio-Dome.....we are watching it now! I forgot how funny this movie was.
I'm loving GBG and the Esther Study! (Can't wait to see you gals on Tuesday)
I'm loving the noises Neyland makes a night! I can hear him snoring through the monitor now!

Hope you are loving lots today!!!


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What I'm Loving on this Gorgeous Wednesday!!!

Happy Wednesday Everyone!!! Hope you have all had a lovely day! This post will be short and sweet because I have alot of orders that need my attention! I have been sick for a few days and everything has fallen behind...laundry, housework, cooking, cleaning, and fulfilling orders!!!
 Here are a few things I'm loving today!
 Reason #1
 Reason #2
 Reason #3 why I LOVE Target & my sweet husband!
I wanted needed new swimsuits since the only one I bought last year was to cover my HUGE Preggo belly! Jimmy and I set out for Date Night this weekend. He must love me because I made him go to Joann's and Target! Then we had dinner at Logan's! Their steaks are YUM-O!
I love this little water baby! He just dives in and splish splashes away! We got to spend Monday in the pool at mom's but the water was chilly! I'm hoping that by this weekend the water will be alot warmer! There are alot of babies and mommies that I want to invite over for pool parties!!!

I'm loving the sunshine and 90 degree weather.
I'm loving that baseball season is in full swing.
I'm loving the grill. We grilled out 3 times over the weekend.
I'm loving planning my monkey's first birthday party!
I'm loving the new clothes I got over the weekend.
I'm loving the new shoes I got a Payless for $14.99.
I'm loving my sweet 5 year old boy that has tried to make me feel better!
I'm loving that this cold/sinus infection is almost over.
I'm loving I get to hit the sale at Textile Fabrics tomorrow with my sister.
I'm loving planning her bridal shower and bachellorette weekend in ATL.

What are you loving today?


Saturday, May 28, 2011

Gerber ain't got nothing on me....

 So what do you do when your 10 month old (whoa...he's 10 months old today) only has 2 teefers and the watery baby food isn't cutting it anymore??

Well, you make your own!!! Making baby food is something I've always wanted to try! So, on Thursday during morning nap, I wrecked my kitchen attempting to make baby food! Yes I was scared. I felt like I was wasting my time!

Here is what I did...

I cut up my fruits and vegetables.
Since it was just my first try, I stuck with sweet potatoes, apples, and bananas.
Then I boiled my sweet potatoes and apples in some water for about 10 minutes.
Just to get them soft.
Then I transferred them to my mini chopper.
This was bought because I do not know how to use a knife and I need an onion chopped up just about every night. 

 Bananas before....
 Bananas after...
Next, I carefully filled up ice trays....
 Sweet Potatoes
Strick them in the freezer.
I left them overnight.
I tried that night to get them out and they were still sticky.
 Here are the apples.
It took a few tries to pop them out and I was worried scared that I had messed this up!
 I put them in freezer containers and labeled them.
Neyland LOVES them!
So today I am attempting to make more!
Blueberries, avacado, Idaho Potatoes, etc.

 I love new projects.
I love bright fabrics.
Wonder what this goodness will become??
Stay tuned...

Our favorite activity during morning nap.
Dr. Suess Matching Game.
Hours of entertainment.
Cameron has a photographic mind.
He remembers where EVERY card is!
Love my Mr. Smarty Pants.

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!
I got new swimsuits last night.
I heart Target!
Now off to enjoy some Sun.
I suggest you do the same!!!


Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I'm loving this lady. You cannot be in a mad mood around her! She is the sweetest girl I know!! Her little mini-me graduated Kindergarten today and Cam & I got to watch and cheer for him! I also realized that in a year, I would be sitting in a gym watching my swwet little boy graduate Kindergarten! I will be a mess! I can't believe it's time to start school! Where did the last 5 years go?
I'm loving these 3 babies!!! They are so sweet to each other!
I'm loving these boys that are the BEST of Friends!!! I'm super sad that Andrew is leaving tomorrow for MOST of the Summer! I don't think that his Mommy should have to share him! :)
 I'm loving this CUTIE!!! He makes me so MAD I can't see straight and then he comes up and throws his arms around me and gives the the BIGGEST kiss and I melt like a Hershey's Kiss!!!
 I'm loving that the pools are open!
I'm loving that it's Memorial Day Weekend!
I'm loving Joann's!
I'm loving the SUPER warm weather!
I'm loving that The Hangover II opens this weekend!
I'm loving sewing!
I'm loving quilts!
I'm loving this blog! (She lives in Austrailia)
I'm loving my camera!
I'm loving the cicadas...just because I can bug the absolute crap out of Cam!
I'm loving my happy baby!
I'm loving life!!!


Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday Madness

Happy Monday! Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!! I can't wait until tomorrow!! T-ball pictures are at 4:45 and our first game is at 6!!! Here is a picture of my favorite baseball player!! I'll have more pics later in the week of him in uniform! Let me tell you that XS pants with belt loops are REALLY REALLY hard to find!! I had to go alllll the way to Franklin, TN to get a pair!! Thankfully I did not have to drive there! Sister SAVED the day today!!! This is what happens when you are having girl time at the park and not paying attention to your child for 2 seconds! Guess he was trying to tell me that he was ready to pack up and go home!!! I refuse to go to the park for the next couple of weeks!! Cicada INVASION! More on that later....

Neyland has discovered the washing machine! He crawls back to the laundry room and sits in front of it like its a tv! When it spins, he cackles! Like belly laughs! It's so sweet! I usually sit in the floor and listen to him. I don't know what is so entertaining about it but it keeps him still!!!

This quilt is for sale in my Etsy Shop! Go check it out! I wish I could keep it. It's beautiful, but I do not have a girl, and I've decided that with 2 boys, the next child will also be a boy so I have no use for it! So, it needs a good home!

This is the back....I uploaded the pictures backwards. Whoops!!!

And this is the front. See. Told you it was gorgeous!

Cameron hates cicadas! Like is terrified!! Today we went to run errands and 2 of them flew in the car with us. Let me tell you. That boy FREAKED out! Like freaked out they way I would have if I saw a snake! Screamed like a little girl! So when we got back, he made a cicada with his Trio blocks! I love it! Trio blocks are a MUST if you have a boy! We have so much fun creating with these things. Neyland loves them too so I will be saving them for him.

Most of you know I coupon! Here is my receipt from Publix today! I spent $57.57 and saved $100 and some change! I purchased 19 cans of Similac Formula, 36 rolls of Charmin tp, 5 Wishbone dressings, 8 yogurts, 1 pack of Huggies, and a few more things! I was SUPER excited!! We also went to CVS and I got 4 things of deodorant and 4 things of laundry detergent for $4.90. We went on a family adventure to Kroger earlier to get meats and produce so I didn't really coupon but I got a bunch of fresh fruit and veggies to make Neyland some baby food! I'll let you know how that turns out!

Do you coupon? I'd love to see your savings!!!!


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Weekly Wednesday Loves

Happy Wednesday Ya'll!!! Sorry for my absence....I've been feeling blah!! Like haven't cleaned, done laundry or been crafty! I think its the temperatures!!! Where is Spring?? I'm so over 50 degree I didn't even get out of my pj's!!!! What are you loving today??

I'm LOVING this fabric I got over the weekend!!! The picture below is a sneak peek of a quilt! I finished the quilt top today and will show you the finished product when I get it quilted!!!

I absolutely love pink, orange, green, and grey together! It may be my new favorite color scheme!!!

I'm loving that tomorrow is Thursday!!! For most of you that means work but for me it means SISTER day!!!! I love spending time with my sister! On the agenda for tomorrow is a trip to Joann's to get shirts and material for our "Mom," "Aunt," and "Nini" shirts for Cam's t-ball games! I'll post pictures when I get them done!! His first game is Tuesday so I have to have mine done by then!

I'm loving that Neyland is pulling up on everything! When he gets himself pulled up and steady, he starts dancing! It's adorable! We have also been watching Sprout and I must say that he just loves Chicka (sp).

I'm loving that I have both boys on a routine and they are BOTH taking a nap from 1-3 every afternoon!! I've gotten so much accomplished in the past 2 days and even had time to catch up on my trashy shows that I've recorded.

I'm loving that tomorrow is "Backpack" day with the GBG and Cam gets to see Mrs. Lisa and Aunt Beth!!

I'm also loving that Saturday is GBG/IBC/FRC day. Yes it's alot to comprehend. Just click my link and read about us! We just won the "Volunteer Group of the Year" award!!! So exciting for us gals!!

I'm loving Quilter's Attic. I may go broke from visiting it so much! They have my happy fabric!

Please share with me what you are loving!! I'd love to hear!


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Lover, Lover!

Ok, so I typed this last night and as I was typing, I looked up to see everything erased! I got that feeling in the pit of my stomach, closed my computer and went to bed! It hit me at some point during the night that there should be a draft saved! && there was! So here is my WILW a few hours late!!
What am I loving today?? Question is, what is there not to love today??

The sun is shining, its warm outside, the birds are chirping, and the summer music is blasting on the radio!!!

I'm loving that I have started planning Neyland's FIRST Birthday Party! (Well not really, but it's exciting. I've got a TON of ideas running through my brain and I have started carrying a notebook around!)

I know what I'm getting Jimmy for Father's Day (& I'm keeping it a secret, because he may read this blog when I'm not looking)

I'm loving that both of my boys have been asleep by 9 every night this week!

I'm loving that it's Drive-In weather and can't wait to get there and see some movies.

I'm loving my Mother's Day gifts I got from my men!! Most of them are ridiciously funny but that's just us!

I'm loving my new phone....finally! It took some getting used to but I am loving HeyTell!

I'm loving that we are 95% sure we are moving in July!

I'm loving the grill! We use it at least 4 times a week!!

I'm loving blogland! I get sucked in at night and find myself sitting up till after midnight reading them.

I'm loving t-ball! Go Reds! (Ok, so they are not my favorite team)

I'm loving the lullably cd that plays through the monitor! I think it has started putting me to sleep!

I'm loving that Saturday is the day I get to go pick up my block at Quilter's Attic! I love that store! Bright, happy fabric, Amy Butler patterns, beautiful quilts, & very happy ladies!

I'm loving that we may have a date day planned for Saturday afternoon! Hooter's and Sounds baseball! While I was pregnant with Neyland, it became one of my favorite places to eat and I still can't get enough!

What are you loving today??
