Monday, February 28, 2011

Dr. Evillllllll!

Happy 7 months so my Monkey! Mommy loves you sooooooo much!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

ANOTHER Rainy Day!

So it has rained for what seems like 5 days straight! There is a river running dowm my driveway, our firepit is full of water, & I think I saw a cow float through the field! I'm an outdoor person, and this weather is "LAME" as Cameron would say! I need warm weather, sunshine, cute dresses, wedges, and sunglasses!!! I can't wait for Thursday! Sunny, 67 and the park!

So my mom has me addicted to owning my own online fabric store! She showed me a blog and website over the weekend, & I was like "Hey, I can do that!" I even dreamt of it last night! & Jimmy dreamt we had one big room for my crafts/play room! So maybe in a few months, or a few years, I will be up and running!! I have no room for it now...unless I have it @ mom's in her bonus room! HINT HINT....I know you are reading this :)

I have started "FlyLady." My house is always "messy." Most people don't think it's messy, but I'm an organized neat freak and my house is chaos! We live in a small house and we have too much stuff! We are both trying to run a business from home, 2 kids' toys, and stuff everywhere. I don't follow all the "FlyLady" rules, but I have my "Morning 5" and I clean in the specified "Zone" for 15 minutes a may not be what they want me to clean but hey babysteps! Like today...I got up, cleaned the kitchen, showered & put on "real clothes", made the beds, ate breakfast, and I was supposed to put in a load of laundry but I did 2 loads yesterday! (So basically I was a step ahead! HA!) So my fifteen minutes was spent dusting the LR, putting the toys away, throwing away capri sun packages, and vaccumming! Tomorrow I will find my DR's buried under my cricut and orders I need to get out!

I've added some new blogs to the "Blogs I Heart" Section! Some of my friends and even my sister have started a blog! Others are the ones I've found in blogland that I read everyday even if I have to read them from my BB....which is hard! I'm trying to get Jimmy into a routine of bringing in the computer every night so I can read blogs and catch up on bear with me!

I don't have any pictures today becuase I'm just too exhausted to get up and get my camera! We slept with the window open last night and the wind kept me up! I seriously thought someone was in the house with us! LOL! I'm scared of the dark so I was not getting out of bed to look! I just hid under my covers till the wind quit! I wish you could of heard me scream when the bottle of Dawn fell into the kitchen sink! You should see me creep through the middle of the house at night when Neyland wakes up! I'm terrified!

I love naptime...well Neyland's naptime! Cameron's are few and far between! I actually get to spend 1 on 1 time with Cam. Usually it's spent watching him play the Wii or "homework" at the kitchen table, but it's fun! Sometimes I feel like he's neglected because Neyland requires so much time and care! But I'm working on balancing housework, children, a business, & time for ME! "ME" time consists of a longer shower, or a pedicure, or 15 minutes with a book, or just my eyes shut- but I'm trying to branch out!

I'm so excited for Thursday Morning! Morgan, the boys and I are helping with backpacks @ CHUE! I'm so excited to be a part of the GBG! I've missed the first few meetings because of the boys being sick, but they are well & I hope they stay that way!

So it hit me the other day that CAMERON WILL START KINDERGARTEN IN THE FALL! Where did the last 5 years go? I guess Kenny Chesney was right when he sang, "Don't Blink!"
Neyland is 7 months old today, & he cut 2 teeth this past week! My boys are growing up and I'm super sad! I want them to stay babies forever! I'm SO glad I get to be a SAHM (Stay at home mom). I love spending time with them and watching them learn new things, and I NEVER get bored!

That's all for today! I need to get back up and work!!! Hope everyone has a Merry Monday!!


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A sick Family=A tired Mommy!!!!

So my boys have been sick for a week! I've been sick too, the house has been neglected, & orders have been put on hold (if you have placed an order I will get it to you within a week), & rest has not been an option! Neyland has had fever, but I think he is just's about that time, Cameron ran fever, had running nose, and a cough! The cough is still lingering but no fever so I'm thinking it's just a cold! My poor hubs never takes "sick days" but has taken a few in the past week! I finally talked him into going to the doctor so I am waiting for him to call! Last week I had 3 days where I felt like I was dying but i'm back to my old self except for the complete lack of sleep!

Between laundry, cleaning, and taking care of grumpy men, I've managed to stich out a few things on the embroidery machine! I'm also working on some dresses & I'm waiting on my diaper covers/panties to come in so I can monogram one!!!
Well my break is over! The dryer is buzzing and my baby is crying! Thankfully that is my 4th and final load of laundry for today! We have clean underwear again....haha! Check out one of my girlfriends' blogs! It's new!!!
Happy Tuesday!!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Trying out blogging from my BB! Let's see if this works!!!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Welcome to the Meadows' Family Blog!

So I was thinking now that my sister and I have our own "craft business" and Ladybugs & Tadpoles will be more for quilts that I needed somewhere to blog about our little family and cute little crafts that I create in my spare time!

My life is VERY hectic!!! So hectic that if I DO NOT write something down in my calendar, it WILL NOT get done or I WILL NOT make it to where I am supposed to be! I guess that comes with having 2 boys, a husband, a dog, & a messy house...I refuse to clean my house because I have too much fun playing with the kids to spend my days cleaning! Someone usually has to run out of clean underwear for laundry to get done, or use a Solo cup before the dishwasher gets run! Hey I have a 5 year old and a 6 month old that are so much fun & will grow up way too fast! SO this is your warning....if you come to my house, there will be toys everywhere, snacks on the table, and dirt on the floor! When they are grown and gone, my house will be clean!

I hope that you will follow our family on this blog! I will try and post a few times a week, but I know it won't be everyday!

We have some very entertaining stories that I will share with you. I'll share this one with you tonight because it is just TOO Funny! If you know us, you know that Cameron, Jimmy, & I had a cold or sinus issues going on last week! Well Jimmy is still sick and Neyland started running fever this morning! (I think it's just him teething...but I am monitoring him closely) So here goes my little funny...I took Neyland's temp this morning rectally and cleaned off the thermometer and put it up. Then I asked Jimmy if he wanted to take his because he was feeling yucky! He was like "I am not putting that thing in my mouth." My reply was "How stupid do you think I am? Neyland has his own thermometer that stays in his room so NO ONE makes the mistake of putting it in their mouth!!!" Evidently Jimmy was not paying attention to me walking back and forth from Neyland's room with the thermometer! The one us big people use is in the kitchen....

Ok you might not of found that funny, but it was hilarious!!! Hope everyone has a great night!!!