Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I'm back....

Ok so the hubs and I share a computer & every morning it leaves with him and hasn't been making it back in the house at night! So back to the challenge!!! My Parents! Every girl says that they have the greatest parents in the world. Well, I have the greatest parents in the world! They are loving and would do anything for me! They love me no matter what! I was not the poster child by any means! Broke curfew, were places I probably shouldn't have been, becoming a mommy before I was married...those are just a few things....but they still loved me!!! My daddy is one of the sweetest men I know but he has a bad temper and a short fuse (wonder where I get it?). We don't always see eye to eye but that is probably because we are stubborn and so much alike!!! My mom is the greatest lady ever! She's my rock! I can go to her with anything!! She is one of my closest friends...and that use to not be the case!!!! But I grew up and realized that she was right!!! This picture was taken on one of the greatest days of my life! July 25,2009...my wedding day!!! I will cherish this picture forever!!! Beach wedding with my parentals....a dream come true!!!!

I will be taking a break from the challenge to update you on the craftiness I've been working on laterly!!! In the last 2 weeks, I've made 6 baby quilts and a University of Tennessee quilt for me! I'll post pics tomorrow!! The baby quilts will be for sale on etsy as soon as I get them quilted!

I'm calling it a night....the thunder is starting to rumble!!!


Thursday, March 10, 2011

My First Love!

I fell in love for the first time in 2006! On January 13th at 8:26 AM, an 8 pound, 4.2oz baby boy named Cameron changed my life forever. I don't remember life before he was born. I was 22 the day I became a mommy.. The word "Mommy" is my favorite word to hear! I am so glad that Cameron is a Mommy's Boy! He tells me how much he loves me all the time and that he will never be to old to snuggle!

Here are a few pics....I had to steal them from Facebook because we have a netbook and it doesn't have a cd drive! UGH....so no newborn pics in this post! Here is Cameron at his First Birthday Party with his Great-Grandmother. I am so glad I have this picture and will treasure it forever! I have 2 pictures of Granny holding her great-grandson. The day we came home from the hospital, she came for a visit and I snapped a picture, so I have that one and this one. Granny past away a month before Cameron turned 2! I wish he could remember her and what an incredible woman she was! He goes to sleep every night by telling me, "I love you a bushel and a peck, a hug around the neck, and more than anything else in the whole wide world!' She taught me that and I passed it on to him! This is us at Pump-It-Up in Mt. Juliet!

One of the greatest presents I ever received!

~Sweet Baby Bear was a Monkey for his First Halloween~

Six months old passed out on the beach!

I now have 3 loves of my life! Jimmy, Cameron and Neyland!
Tomorrow I get to talk about my parents! (Mom, I'll try not to make you cry)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Funny Story!

Ok I know I just finished my post but I had to share a funny story! We were watching TV and a commercial came on of a man and woman kissing! All I hear from Cameron is "Ewwwwww, Grossssssss." I guess the only lady he'll be kissing for awhile is his Mommy!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Day 2: The Meaning Behind my Blog Name!

Let me just tell you about these 2 cute little quilts! The first one will be for sale in a NEW quilt/fabric store in Mt. Juliet! Yes, I am so excited! I'm not sure what all I will have there yet, I've got to get busy making some stuff! She opens at the end of March so go see her and purchase my stuff!! This cute little thang is spoken for!! He is for a baby boy that is due in July!!! I can't wait to meet the newest addition to the family! There will be a matching set of burp cloths when the parents-to-be decide on a name!
Now on to today's challenge! What does my blog name mean? Well, this is a place to write about our life, our laughs, and the crafts I make in my spare time! I live with 3 men, so I always have lots of stories that are good for a laugh! I sew (mostly baby things), and I love our little life! My life is NEVER boring! I get up around 8, have my coffee and get the day started! I recently joined a Bible Group! The GBG keeps my busy with Bible Study and helping out in the Community! I love it and I can't wait to get to know all the girls! We'll have t-ball soon and then kindergarten!!!! OMG! I'm glad I get to be a SAHM! I want to be hands on with Cam's Kindergarten Class!
One of my ladies tagged me in her blog and I promise I will answer those questions....but it may take me a few days!!!!
Day 3 will be about my First Love...wonder who that was?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

30 Day Challenge...who am I kidding? 60 Days! Haha!

Blog Challenge - Day 1 - Introduce, recent pics, 15 facts about ME!

I'm a wife to the harderst working man in the world, a mother to Cameron (5) and Neyland (7 months), a daughter, sister, taxi service, grocery shopper, meal preparer, laundry expert, house cleaner, boo-boo kisser, friend, grand daughter, cousin, "couponing princess" (I stole that from a friend), sewer and crafter!

I'm a SAHM (stay at home mom), and I love it!!!! Here are some pics of the men who have my heart!!! This is my & the hubs! We are Gnomeo and Juliet in 3D.
This is Cameron!!!! My 5 year old that should still be a baby! He's my "Mommy's Boy" I'm his favorite person in the whole world!!!

This cool dude is Neyland!! He's a Mommy's Boy too (just don't tell his Daddy)!!

Here's his 2 bottom teeth!!! His shirt says "I'm happier naked" and it's the truth!! He hates getting dressed in the mornings!!!

15 facts:

1. I want a girl, but I'm scared I won't know how to take care of her! I've had plenty of practice in boys!

2. I am terrified of tornadoes & thunderstorms! Like call my mom when the wind starts blowing! I can't help it. When I was in Elementary School, I saw one come over my house and lost it!

3. My grandmother was/is/will always be my hero! I think about her everyday and cry most days!

4. My sister is my complete opposite and my best friend! She became that person the day I left for WKU! & She's the best Aunt any little boy could have!

5. I'm happier right now than I have EVER been in my life!

6. Country Music is my favorite! I love old school country...there is NOTHING better! But Sara Evans and Eric Church make me happy!

7. Fall is my favorite season..........FOOTBALL is my favorite Sport! They go hand in hand!

8. I love dresses, wedges, and pearls, but I'd rather be in blue jeans!!

9. I'm a country girl! 4 wheelers, the smell of cow poo, dirt roads, and bottle feeding cows and my favorites!

10. My favorite nights are spent on the tailgate, by the firepit, with the radio up roasting marshmallows!

11. I try to sew everyday! Yesterday I cut out and put a quilt top together for a new baby boy due in July!

12. Amy Butler makes me a happy girl!!!

13. I am a "Daddy's Girl"....even though we butt heads most of the time! But I'm also a "Mommy's Girl"....I used to think she was so dumb BUT boy was I wrong!

14. Jimmy is my soulmate....& I think he's Cameron's too! "MyJimmy" is his name to Cameron! That makes my heart smile!!!

15. I love my cameras!! Yes, I have more than one!!! One of them is ALWAYS in my purse or the diaper bag!

Coming up tomorrow....or in a few days: 'What does it mean"

I've got to get back to Esther....I've been a slacker and have bible study tonight with the GBG and am not finished yet! Sorry girls....I'll try to get it done!!!

I also went to CrossRoads over the weekend.....I'm glad I was told to have an open mind! It was nothing like I was used too but I loved it!!!

Until next time....


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Yay for Sunshine!

Ok so I was BUMMED out yesterday because of the rain! I'm sick of rain! So what did I do? I painted my toeneails PINK! Maybe Spring/flippy-floppy weather is on it's way!

Ok seriously...how cute are these? I need a little girl SO bad but until I have one I will just make stuff for little girls! If you ever need a pair for a gift, let me know! I have all sizes! Mom gave these to a lady at work that just had a new granddaughter! I.am.in.love!!!! Sweet little Neyland hanging out in his highchair enjoying a snack! He's growing up so fast! I can't believe he's so big! He's not supposed to have baby food yet, or be eating cookies???
Here is Cameron! He's my Mommy's Boy! We took him bowling with his Best Friend Andrew over the weekend! I tried to get a picture of both the wild men but nope!!!

This is what I've been working on today....10 of them! I've got a few left to make but I needed a break! These are $10 and make a great gift!!!!

March's Special is St. Patrick's Day Shirts for $10! I'll give you a sneak peek into one of the 2 specials for April in a few days!!! One special will be for the kiddos for Easter and the other will be for Mother's for Mother's Day!
Now, back to work!!! I've got alot to accomplish before dinner!!! So far today, I've made all 3 beds, washed, dryed, and folded a load of laundry, cleaned the kitchen TWICE, went to Publix to coupon, made 2 keychains, & hung out with the boys! Neyland needs a nap so it's back to work for me and time to start getting dinner ready! grilled Pork Chops....YUMM-O!!!