Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What I love about Sundays!.......wait....Wednesday!

Ha! I was trying to be clever....didn't work did it?

What do you love on this gorgeous Wednesday??

1. I love that the sun was finally shining today!!! I'm so sick of rain I can't stand it! Poor Cam has been locked up in the house for what seems like 2 weeks! He needs to get out and run some of that energy off!!!!

2. I'm loving t-ball! I can't wait until the first game!!!! I don't even care that he's playing for the Reds! (Haha)

3. I'm loving my crockpot! I use it a few times a week! It's great for nights we have practice or I'm tired! I put a roast, carrots, potatoes, and an onion in there this morning and ta-da dinner was cooked for me! (minus the mac-&-cheese).

4. I'm loving that it is 6:40PM and my kitchen is clean, the children have been bathed, and my house is quiet! Jimmy is playing with the boys so I can have a few minutes of quiet time!

5. I'm loving the song "Live a Little" by Kenny Chesney! It's a feel good, roll the windows down and just drive song!

6. I love the contents of this package! It is my mom's Mother's Day gift!!! I've been a busy girl today! I'll post pictures after she opens it :)

7. I'm loving FlyLady! If you have a messy house, this is what you need!!!! Our house actually stays picked up...most of the time!

8. I love love love the quilting maching I am getting to use for FREE!!! I'm quilting Sewn-in-Love quilts for cancer patients but I get to sneak mine on there too!!!!

9. I'm loving this little guy! Look at my big man standing up all on his own! He'll be walking soon and I will be in T-R-O-U-B-L-E!!!!

10. I'm loving coupons. I'm not like the crazies, but I do love getting baby food and formula for just a few bucks!!!!

Now to browse the new Publix ad!!!

Happy Wednesday!


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