Friday, May 6, 2011

I am one pooped Momma!!!!

Peek-A-Boo! This is how I found Neyland after his nap yesterday!! Guess the Hubs will be lowering the crib mattress this weekend! He is pulling up on EVERYTHING....even the dog!!! Our poor dog just lays there and takes the beating!! But who could get mad at this face?

I'm sure I have mentioned before how much I love coupons!! Well yesterday, the boys and I set out on a get items that will be sent to Tuscaloosa for the tornado victims! We got ALL this for $7.63! Ok, so the coffee stays with me, and the candy, but the other stuff will be sent. I'm also going to do a little more shopping this weekend. Two stores with 2 kids was all I could handle yesterday! Sunday has become grocery day at our house. The hubs goes with me and it makes it easier. Poor Cameron rides in the buggy but by the time we checkout, he is buried under formula, baby food, milk, cereal, and whatever else has found its way into the buggy!

Mr. Babe Ruth not really but the stance reminded me of him!

So we like to hit the tee more than the ball, but we are getting better. Our first scrimage is Tuesday!!! I can't wait! Cameron plays for the Reds, which was my grandmother's favorite team!!! It's also Uncle Drew's and Aunt Morgan's favorite team so we are all excited to cheer on the Reds this season!

Here are a few pics from today! We had lunch at McDonald's with my cousin Ali and her twins, Abby and Kaleb. They are so precious! I wish we saw them more, but hopefully we can fix that since it is warmer outside!!

Neyland was just hanging out watching the big kids play and chewing on his finger! I think he is teething again! He's been super fussy the past few days!!!

This is Kaleb! He is just precious and a big ol' flirt! He just kept cutting his eyes and smiling whenever I would talk to him! I swear I could just eat him up!!!

My sweet, precious big boy! I can't believe he will start Kindergarten this fall! We didn't register him yesterday because we may be moving before school starts and right now he would go to a "city" school, but if we move, he will go to a "county" school! I didn't want it to be a big mess or a hassle so we are waiting! But I can't wait to go school supply shopping! That was my most absolute favorite thing to do while I was in school!!!

Miss Sweet Thing Herself!!!! I adore her! She can carry on a conversation like she's 20!!! I think the kiddos had a great playdate this morning!!

We got to keep my favorite 1 year old today....for just a short hour!!! Thanks Mere!!!!! Kidding....

Boys will be boys and the above picture led to this......

You would think this child had never seen mud before....he had such a blast! When he was finished playing, he was covered in mud and his pants were soaking wet from falling!!! He is so precious! We played outside the whole hour we had him! He ran around and chased the dog! I think Hitler needed a nap when the fun was over!!!

Cameron even got in on the fun too. This is saying alot for him because he doesn't like to be dirty!! As soon as Levi left, he got in the bath and made sure every speck of dirt was off of him!

Do you like Seafood??? Well here, you can see Neyland's dinner hanging out of his mouth! I made the mistake of giving him carrots and potatoes the other night and I ruined him! NO more baby food for this child! Nope! He wants the good & real stuff!!! I'm trying to come up with breakfast options so I need some tips! He spit his Fruit & Yogurt Baby Food out at me this morning and demanded REAL FOOD!!! What do you feed a 9 month old for breakfast besides rice cereal and a fruit???? Tomorrow we will try yogurt!

Now to get some rest!! We get to see Uncle Drew graduate from Cumberland University tomorrow!!! We are so proud of him!!!!


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